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Keskin Hukuk Bürosu

Hukuk Bürosu

Hukuki Uyarı

Bu sitede paylaşılan bilgiler yalnızca bilgilendirme amaçlı olup, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Barolar Birliği’nin ilgili düzenlemeleri uyarınca reklam, teklif, hukuki öneri veya danışmanlık teşkil etmez.


Sitede sunulan bilgiler hakkında Keskin Hukuk Bürosu sorumluluk kabul etmez.


Bu sitede paylaşılan bilgiler, büronun logosu ve sair veriler Keskin Hukuk Bürosu’na ait olup, büronun yazılı izni olmaksızın kullananlar hakkında yasal işlem yapılır.


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In compliance with the current legislation, the information and material contained on this website are for general information purposes only. They are not intended to constitute an advertisement, a contractual offer of service, legal or other professional advice, and should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for professional counseling. The Keskin Law Office declines all responsibility for any loss which may arise from reliance on the herein information.

All rights, including copyright, in the content of this website are owned and controlled by the Keskin Law Office. You are not permitted to copy, adapt or change in any way the content of this website. The design of this website is also protected.

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Finally the Keskin Law Office declines all responsibility for any damage which may occur from the use of its website.

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